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Internationally collected artist, Jaison Cianelli is known for creating abstract art in a unique intuitive layering process.  His abstract art compositions are both modern and playful, and express a liveliness unlike anything else. They are also the result of embracing joyful exploration, the process of intuitive creation without knowing the end result.

Cianelli was born in Boston, Massachusetts in 1980.  He received his Bachelor of Science in Industrial Design (BSID) from the Wentworth Institute of Technology in 2002. After graduation, Cianelli moved to Bedford NH where he currently resides and works.  

Over the years Cianelli’s art evolved from traditional painting into digital mixed media art.  This unique visual art form comprises the mediums and techniques of acrylic paint, photography, and digital art.   The amazing part is that he takes from various images, slightly at random, and begins to compose his masterpiece by layering them and simply exploring.  The process can go on for a while, but the end result is simply breathtaking!

To quote Cianelli, “At the core of my work is a belief that in the end all things balance out harmoniously no matter how strange the journey.  The joy is that by composing images, sometimes at random, something magical and unexpected happens.  Beauty always arises when I keep moving forward.”

Large collections of his artwork can be found in mental health treatment centers, yoga studios, law offices, retirement homes, and massage therapy offices.   One of the largest collections is located at WIESE, a social institution in Freiburg, Germany that helps refugees and children with difficult life situations.

If you’re looking for beautiful, vibrant abstract art, then you need to check out the work of Jaison Cianelli. Cianelli’s unique mixed media paintings are inspired by his joy of life and the willingness to explore. They are truly one-of-a-kind and sure to brighten up any space.

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