From a distance Piers with helical Piers From manufacturer to manufacturer, they look like the same, but are they? In simple terms, there are many helical piers that are exactly the same. In reality there could be massive differences between anchors with helical. Certain anchors use older oilfield pipes (known by the name J55 pipe) and this could make a significant difference in the lifespan and structural integrity of the foundation repair Utah that are helical. The first thing to note is that the used oilfield pipe on the market to the market for helical anchors is pipe that is not suitable to be used on the oil rig. Due to the rising oil prices and pipe shortages, the operators of oil rigs are wearing it down before they can sell it.
Let’s talk about saltwater in the production of oil. A majority of existing drilling wells that are located within Texas, Oklahoma and the Midwest are classed as stripper wells. They are wells that generate 90 – 10 percent mix of fluid on a daily basis. This means that if a well is able to produce 10 barrels of oil per day, it will also produce 90 barrels of saltwater each day. The effects from saltwater to steel pipes don’t require explanation. Additionally, occasionally acid is drawn into the wells to aid in the movement of the fluids through the bore of the well. Again, there isn’t much explanation is required.
Not to be left out The most damaging effect on the oil field pipe is called rod wear. Within the oilfield pipe that is also known as the drill stem, are sucker rods. Then, very quickly you will be given a brief explanation of the production of oil. The pumping unit is situated on the ground. Attached to the horse’s head at the top of the unit, is the bridle. The bridle is attached to the rod for polishing. Connected to the polish rod is the sucker rod. Deep in that hole lies the rod pump. To move this fluid (saltwater and oil) out of the hole and out of the head of the horse, polish rod, sucker rods, and the pump must go between up and down. These rods, as they move through the pipe, are bumping against something. That something is the Casing Pipe (J55 pipe). Oilfield workers generally won’t stop using the pipe until they are certain that at least 30% of the wall’s thickness has been gone.
To put it in words the matter, these rods that are extremely hard which are constantly in contact with the casing pipe, create tiny spots within the pipe. Thus, the pipe that was thick and beautiful when it was brand new is now prone to acid corrosion, and extremely thin spots because of “rod wear”. Do you think this is a pipe which could be used to make anchors with Utah helical piers design that can provide structural support?
It is evident that the helical anchors you use are not identical. Manufacturers who use old oilfield pipe could put your building at risk. Why would they choose to do this? The cost is the main reason. Steel pipe that is structurally sound costs more, but it is certified according to the specifications and is engineered to last for years of structural support. There are many helical anchors that are identical, as in reality there are significant distinctions between Helical anchors.