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If you have decided to study in Malaysia, you will need to consider many factors before you begin. It would help if you determined whether the country is the best place for you, how long you can study there, and how much it will cost. There are plenty of different schools that you can consider, so make sure you understand your options before signing up for one.

English is the main language of instruction.

When Malaysia gained independence from Britain in 1957, English was considered the main language of instruction. A decade later, the federal government made Bahasa Malaysia the federation’s official language.

However, despite this change, Malaysia faced a series of challenges. Some schools were unable to deliver maths and science lessons in English. Others felt that the policy changes would be harmful to learning outcomes. This led to a flurry of debate and research.

The new policy was also met with opposition from the Chinese community, who said that a shift to English for science and mathematics could have been a better use of time. However, the government maintained its commitment to the policy.

International orientation

International orientation is not just about learning how to use a computer. It’s also about making new friends. During your time in Malaysia, you’ll have the opportunity to mix with people of various races, religions, and ethnicities. You might even get to learn a few new languages. This is an opportunity to be noticed.

The most effective way to make the most of your stay in Malaysia is to become familiar with local customs and traditions. There are many ways to do this, including attending a free orientation session at your campus. During this event, you’ll have the chance to meet students from all over the country.

Teaching & learning

Teaching and learning in Malaysia is a mix of face-to-face and online learning. The approach is based on national standards and benchmarking.

In Malaysia, public and private institutes are governed by the Ministry of Education. It also oversees quality standards for public universities and private colleges. The country’s education system promotes knowledge and skills, reduces achievement gaps, and ensures universal access to education.

Malaysia has over ten thousand primary and secondary schools. About a quarter of the country’s students are enrolled in these schools. These are known as national-type schools. They offer education in English, Bahasa Melayu, and other languages.

Regional engagement

The regional engagement has become a vital part of university education in recent years. Universities engage in activities that contribute to a region’s economic, social and cultural development. In Malaysia, one university has been given significant resources for this purpose.

The decision to participate in regional engagement is a subjective deliberation process driven by several factors. These include the university’s mission, the economics of the region, and internal and external drivers. This paper uses a Q-methodological approach to reveal the subjective views of the universities on regional engagement. It also presents the results of the benchmarking exercise of eight universities in Melbourne city.


One of the most important things to remember when studying in Malaysia is to understand multiculturalism. It is a multidimensional process encompassing many things, including language, sexual preferences, religious practice, and social life management of different nations.

The country comprises various ethnic groups, including Indians, Malays, Chinese, and other minority races. These people live alongside one another, and their identities are preserved. In addition, the nation plays a key role in maintaining a peaceful society.

Although Malaysia has acknowledged multiculturalism, there are still some problems. These include socioeconomic status, education, and the political system.


Malaysia offers several study options. Students can choose to attend a public or private university. Both types of institutions provide Bachelor’s and master’s degree programs. However, there are differences in tuition fees and living expenses. Depending on your course, you may spend as little as US$10,000 per year or as much as RM40,000.

One of the reasons why Malaysia is such a popular destination for international students is its low cost of living. This allows students to experience the multicultural lifestyle of this Southeast Asian country while enjoying a high quality of life. Moreover, students can also take advantage of various scholarships offered by the government.

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