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The zombie apocalypse is coming! Are you prepared to survive? It’s time to find out with this interactive Zombie Survival Test. Answer some questions and get a score that will tell you if you have what it takes to make it through the zombie apocalypse.

This zombie survival test has eleven questions, each of which is designed to measure your preparedness for the upcoming zombie apocalypse. The questions cover a variety of topics such as weapons, supplies, and skills. Each question has multiple choice options that range from “not at all” to “very well” in terms of preparation. There are also bonus questions throughout the quiz that give you an opportunity to earn extra points if you answer correctly.

At the end of the quiz, your score will be calculated and you’ll receive a rating on your overall preparedness for surviving the zombie apocalypse. This rating will tell you how ready you are should zombies come knocking at your door! Your score will be based on how many correct answers you got right, so it’s important to answer honestly and accurately.

The quiz also provides helpful information along with each question so that even if you don’t know the answer, you can still learn something new while taking it! There are tips and strategies offered after each question so that even if your score isn’t as high as expected, this quiz can still serve as a useful resource in helping prepare yourself for when (or if) zombies do arrive!


Are you ready for the zombie apocalypse? Take this interactive zombie survival test and find out! Answer some questions about weapons, supplies, and skills and get a score that tells you how well-prepared you are for surviving a zombie attack. With helpful hints throughout the quiz and bonus points available, it’s sure to be an entertaining yet informative experience whether or not zombies ever come knocking at your door! So take the test now – because there’s no better time than now to start preparing yourself for any potential future zombie invasions!

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