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Building a garage is a great way to add more storage space to your home. Not only can a garage serve as an additional storage area, but it can also increase the resale value of your property. However, building a garage is more than just putting up some plywood and bolting the doors in. You will need to plan ahead to ensure that the project is a success.
The first step in building a garage is to decide on the dimensions of your new structure. Whether you want to add a two-car garage, a one-car garage, or a workshop, the location and purpose will affect the size of the garage. It’s important to consider the zoning laws in your area and what type of windows and doors you’ll need. Also, be sure to plan out the layout of your garage so that you’ll know where to put everything.
Once you’ve decided on the size and location of your new garage, you’ll need to make plans for the construction. This may include hiring subcontractors, drawing up detailed plans, and securing a permit. A lot of work goes into planning and constructing a garage, but it will be worth it in the end.
Before you can begin, you will need to create a concrete slab. This slab must meet the city code. If you have access to a concrete pourer, you can speed the process up. In addition, you’ll need a hammer and power nailer.
Depending on your needs, you’ll need to add a roof to protect your stored items. A roofing system that matches the style of your house is ideal. You’ll also need to install gutter flashing and a drip edge. These can be purchased at your local building supply store.

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During the building process, you’ll need to make periodic inspections and obtain permits. You should always consult with your local building inspector to make sure that you don’t violate any building codes. When a garage is built in compliance with city codes, the resale value of your home will likely increase. Additionally, a well-built garage will provide a safe and dry place for your vehicles.
Next, you’ll need to create a header beam. This beam will be heavy and wide. Typically, you’ll need at least four people to install this. After you’ve crafted the beam, you’ll need to nail it in. Your header will have a large span and mass, so be sure to use a jack stud in each corner.
If your garage is used as a workspace, you’ll need to measure your door opening to ensure that you’ll have enough room. The width of the wall should be at least 5 feet. On the opposite side, you’ll need to make a higher ledge.

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Make sure to secure the first wall with anchor bolts. If your garage has a large overhead door, you’ll also need to build a second wall. As you build this, you’ll need to make a chalk line to guide you. Ideally, the chalk line will be parallel to the roof so that you can mark the overhang when installing the roof.

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