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The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) offers a range of supports to help people with disabilities live their best lives. One of these supports is support coordination. Support coordination is a capacity building support that helps you to:

  • Understand and use your NDIS plan to pursue your goals.
  • Connect you with NDIS providers, community, mainstream and other government services.
  • Build your confidence and skills to use and coordinate your supports.

If you think support coordination could be helpful for you, talk to your NDIS planner about getting started.

Here are some tips for getting the most out of support coordination:

  1. Be clear about your needs and goals. The more information you can provide your support coordinator, the better they will be able to help you. Think about what you want to achieve in your life, and what kind of support you need to get there.
  2. Be open to feedback. Your support coordinator is there to help you, so be willing to listen to their suggestions and advice. They may have ideas that you hadn’t thought of, or they may be able to connect you with resources that you didn’t know existed.
  3. Be proactive. Don’t wait for your support coordinator to come to you with ideas. Let them know what you’re working on and what you need help with. The more you can do to take ownership of your NDIS journey, the more successful you’re likely to be.
  4. Be patient. It takes time to build a strong working relationship with your support coordinator. Don’t expect everything to happen overnight. Be patient and give yourself and your support coordinator time to get to know each other and develop a plan that works for you.

Support coordination can be a valuable resource for people with disabilities and their families. By working with a qualified support coordinator, you can get the most out of your NDIS plan and achieve your goals.

How to Get NDIS Support Coordination?

To get support coordination, you will need to request it from your NDIS planner. Your planner will need to approve your request before you can start working with a support coordinator.

When requesting support coordination, be sure to explain why you think it would be helpful for you. You may want to talk about your specific goals and the challenges you are facing in achieving them.

If your planner approves your request, they will help you to find a qualified support coordinator. You can also search for support coordinators online.

How Much Does Support Coordination Cost?

The cost of support coordination is included in your NDIS plan. The amount of funding you receive for support coordination will depend on your individual needs.

What Are the Benefits of Support Coordination?

Support coordination can offer a range of benefits, including:

  • Increased independence and self-determination
  • Improved access to services and supports
  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Increased social inclusion
  • Improved quality of life


NDIS Support coordination is a valuable support that can help people with disabilities achieve their goals. If you think support coordination could be helpful for you, talk to your NDIS planner about getting started.

Carepro Disability Services is a registered NDIS service provider in Melbourne that can help you get NDIS support coordination in your plan. They have a team of experienced support coordinators who can help you understand your needs, develop a plan to achieve your goals, and connect you with the right supports and services.

To get started with Carepro Disability Services, simply contact them at (03) 9492 6982 to schedule a free consultation. They will assess your needs and discuss your options for support coordination. Once you have chosen to work with Carepro Disability Services, they will work with your NDIS planner to get support coordination included in your plan.

Here are some of the ways that Carepro Disability Services can help you get support coordination in your plan:

  • Help you understand your needs: Carepro Disability Services will work with you to understand your specific needs and goals. They will also help you identify any barriers that may be preventing you from achieving your goals.
  • Develop a plan to achieve your goals: Once Carepro Disability Services understands your needs, they will work with you to develop a plan to achieve your goals. This plan will include a list of supports and services that you need to help you reach your goals.
  • Connect you with the right supports and services: Carepro Disability Services has a network of experienced providers who can provide the supports and services that you need to achieve your goals. They will work with you to find the right providers for your needs.
  • Advocate for you with NDIS providers and other stakeholders: Carepro Disability Services will advocate for you with NDIS providers and other stakeholders to ensure that you get the supports and services that you need.

If you are interested in getting support coordination from Carepro Disability Services, please contact them today to schedule a free consultation.

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