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Most people who memorize the Quran successfully take longer than necessary. They don’t employ the strategies you’re about to discover on this page, which is why. Not only is learning the Quran quick, but it’s also a lot of fun. However, many individuals find such huge activities to be utterly daunting. And without a doubt, if they lack memory tricks. You are looking at 77,430 words after all.

However, you’ll be surprised by how rapidly you can go forward if you are equipped with the right strategies and have your mentality set up properly. After all, the words of the Quran are typically fairly brief, unlike those of many other writings. Additionally, a lot of the content is repeated, leading to a variety of exploits you can use.

Let’s dive in.

How to Memorize the Quran: My Top Memorization Techniques

The best among you is the one who studies the Qur’an and imparts it, according to Bukhaaree. This is important to remember since it helps to have a motivation for memorizing the Quran before you begin.

It’s crucial because, if your aim isn’t in line with reality, no amount of advice will be of much benefit. I frequently inform my private clients that it’s acceptable to start by taking only the most important passages from a book like the Quran. Particularly if you also need to learn Arabic at the same time, this is true.

One: Pick An Audio Visual Source For The Quran

When dealing with the Quran, you should be able to see and hear it. It could take some time to locate a source that works for you because different people have varied reactions to information presented in different ways.

The Quran is among the best I’ve seen because it provides everything in a way that is simple to read and understand.

the heifer

To get a good overview, it’s best to use a desktop computer or a laptop for this website.

If you prefer print books, you’ll want to make sure that the audio recording order matches the edition you’ve ordered.

Two: Create A Big Enough Memory Palace Network In Advance

You should employ the Memory Palace technique to lessen the cognitive load and get rid of boring, tiresome rote learning. Using this method, you can use space as a sort of “container” to store Quranic verses in your brain and help them stick in your long-term memory.

Additionally, you should practice elaborate encoding and creating associations using techniques like the password method. Is it possible to do Quran memorization online without using the Memory Palace method?

Possibly. But I couldn’t personally do it. 

an old woman is reading a book

Most people can’t memorize a text like the Quran without using a Memory Palace. The good news is that every room in your life can serve as a powerful mnemonic device.

The most I’ve seen from one of my students is when Mike McKinely memorized 66 Psalms without using any at all. However, if you listen to our discussion, you’ll notice that I think he’s still using the foundations of the technique in an implicit way. 

Three: Memorize In Individual Passages, In Order

You should start at the beginning and work your way through the text unless you’re extracting a specific section, which is again a completely acceptable method. This will help you solve a lot of problems and create your memory palace networks appropriately.

Since it’s nearly impossible to predict how much you’ll need to memorize the entire Quran, I advise learning the starting-small technique before pursuing any other methods. For instance, it is wise, to begin with al-Fatihah. There are just seven lines, and one of them will appear repeatedly.

This will allow you to get started with a very simple Memory Palace like this:

A Memory Palace based on a bookstore Anthony visited in Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt.

A Memory Palace has drawn on an index card to maximize its value as a mnemonic device. This one is based on a bookstore in Zamalek, a part of Cairo.

Once you have the journey laid out, it’s just a matter of encoding each and every word in order. 

Four: Create Your Own Homophonic Transliterations

Numerous free online translations of the Quran are accessible in English. It can be difficult to memorize these, though. You can add the duty of being familiar with the rules for transliterating Arabic if you so choose, but why bother if you don’t have to?

Look at this sample example from the Fatiha (the opening) to see how annoying the usual transliterations may be:

Although it reads perfectly well, it doesn’t sound anything like what I can hear in my ear. My own homophonic translation makes it much simpler to make something that can be remembered:

This isn’t perfect, though. But memorization of lengthy passages is not a perfectionism-based game. It’s about figuring out how to advance continuously so that you can advance continuously.

Five: Treat Memorizing The Quran Like Stringing Beads

Treating the Memory Palace technique like a string that you are stringing beads on is one way to approach it. Each phrase is a jeweled bead on a lovely chain.

With enough practice, you’ll be able to memorize a large number of words at once while using significantly fewer visuals. You will occasionally need to approach the procedure as one word at a time, even at high levels.

Six: Add Meaning After Establishing The Sound

You can skip this step if you are fluent in Arabic. But if you don’t, I strongly advise concentrating on the Arabic and then including the English meaning. To achieve this, consider how the meaning may be included into the first scenario of linkages you developed. The first line in this instance means:

Bishop may easily be heard singing a Rage Against the Machine song that uses the line “in the name of.” The context makes it clear that God doesn’t actually need an association, but if desired or required, all of this could be happening in the Sistine Chapel.

Seven: Use Recall Rehearsal

It’s crucial to do a thorough examination after initially encoding the relationships.

Please take note that this is not rote learning. Memory scientists refer to the practice of using creative associations in a Memory Palace as “active recall,” which is significantly different.

It works because you’re not just showing yourself the knowledge and hoping that repetition will help you remember it. Instead, you’re using your memory in a way that far more quickly helps you internalize the Quran than any other method.

To do this, you want to travel the Memory Palace in a few different patterns:

  • Forward
  • Backward
  • From the middle to the end
  • From the middle to the beginning
  • Skip the stations

For beginners, this process is going to feel quite overwhelming. But it’s quick to learn and gives each and every word equal doses of primacy effect and frequency effect.

Seven: Carry The Text With You And Memorize it During The Day

When I memorize verbatim, I carry my texts with me everywhere I go. And that’s in a physical format which I find much easier to use for memorization. I don’t know why, but memorizing scripture from screens doesn’t work for me. Perhaps digital amnesia is to blame.

So long as you are prepared with your Memory Palace Networks in advance, you can keep advancing word by word, even syllable by syllable. You can pop into the text while:

  • Commuting on the bus
  • Taking breaks from work
  • Sitting in waiting rooms
  • Meditating
  • Relaxing at a cafe
a image of a man

Eight: Test Yourself Throughout The Day

Just as I recommend you carry a physical version of the Quran with you throughout the day, I suggest you carry a physical journal. Something like the Freedom Journal works really great. In order to promote active recall, you’ll want to test yourself by writing what you’ve memorized by hand. This is another great way to speed up the memorization process. 

Whether you’ve memorized several lines or just one, it’s important to take every opportunity to test. The testing process will also help you correct any errors you’ve made.  Just as you can instill more of the Quran while on breaks or riding the bus, you can also test during this downtime. It’s a lot better than frittering the time away on useless thoughts.

Nine: Recite The Quran Aloud

Just as writing helps instill the memorized Quran, reciting it verbally will accelerate the memorization process. 

You’ll want to help yourself by doing this following the Recall Rehearsal patterns. This is because you don’t want too much primacy effect only on the beginnings of the lines.

a woman with a magic book

Later, you’ll also want to be able to pop into different parts of the text without having to always start at the beginning.

Reciting can be done:

  • During meditation
  • While showering
  • In discussion with family and friends

Important pro tip: Always warm your voice up first. It’s important to preserve your voice so that you can recite the Quran for many years to come.

Also Read: How To Choose The Best English Course

Ten: Recite The Quran Quietly In Your Mind

Even with plenty of warming up, you will still want to enjoy the power of reciting silently. I have strained my voice too much in the past, which is when I started reciting in my mind. It’s very peaceful and makes for great concentration meditation.

I prefer shorter sessions of around 15 minutes but will go as long as 40-45 minutes. It’s really up to your goals, and ultimately consistency over time matters more than the exact time you spend in any given session. 

a big book

How To Memorize The Quran Faster

In a word, practice and do so using the best possible memory techniques. Again, you don’t have to memorize the whole thing. There are many short Surahs you can get started with and make great progress.

There may also be extracts you prefer, like the Song Celestial, a compact extract from the Bhagavad Gita (my current memorization project). 

The point is to:

  • Choose
  • Prepare your strategy in advance
  • Develop memory skills as you go
  • Practice consistently by keeping the text close so you can make progress at all times

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